Saturday, November 29, 2008

an attempt

To make a blog post worthy of a reader. Something about life or society or candy. But it's 1AM, and as morning person I can't really function well.

So, been "partying" a lot, money trickling down the drain with all that spending, although I still have to do my Christmas shopping. I need to revert to my old self where I have this budget that I stick to. Seriously, I have to plan my financial future.

Somehow, my body got tired to the point of getting sick. Ironically, it started on a weekend, when I have slept enough. I hate being sick (who doesn't?). Ugh.

Even though Steph, Jasser and I decided against watching Twilight last Friday (since Bolt would seem to have a more logical plot/theme), I still got to watch it with four other Thailanders. Note that Twilight is barely a comedy, and bordering on emo, but we had a lot of LOLZ moments while watching it. I know very little of its story since I was warned not to read it due to its brain-mushing effect. A property they carried over to the movie.

So, for a movie like Twilight:
1. Do not flash words out of context. It's wrong and it does not tell the story very well. You might as well flashed "Lipstick" along with "Strength", "Cold-skinned" and "Speed".
2. Lipstick is for girls. That's like the 5th thing our parents taught us. Do not put lipstick on your male actors. Especially if it's your main character and you want him to be all heroic and manly.
3. There's a reason why they invented the cool 360-degree shots. Do not use them if they aren't needed. Also do not use them if you're just gonna cut to a close-up after 300-degrees. Do not use them if your actors are mainly standing and not doing anything significant.
4. Use slow-mos correctly.
5. Do not over-publicize if there is a 98% chance that your movie is nothing like Titanic.

Bolt is okay. I've been watching out for a Miley Cyrus song somewhere (because if she's one of the voices, there's a chance she'll sing in the movie), but nothing. Though she sang the closing credits song. Who cares anyway? John Travolta as the cute kiddie dog could be disturbing. But after Hairspray, he's weird in every attempt to make a movie.

To watch: That movie with Jessica Simpson where she goes from movie star to military cadet. I know it's social suicide, but.

Gotta get better. At a lot of things.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

fire in my heart

I know I can't get away with fooling you guys with the title since the first few lines of this post will show in the updates page. Been very tired of the endless string of events last week. Including waking up at 4:30 am. And studying scanning books after work. But work is good. It's not very fun but good. Grown-up good. Right. Good thing I met with half of the Thailanders last Wednesday and the whole bunch last Saturday.

Who would ever thought that squid ink was a tie component. Squid ink in, squid ink out. It's gross but it's noteworthy. And who ever thought Physics 73 would actually mean something. Like the way electrons spin and such. It's all a blur but it's a blob blur.

1. Do well at work.
2. Un-fatten self.
3. Pass boards.
4. Earn money.
5. Pursue advocacy aka world peace. And vegetables.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Since the surprise of Jasser's fat content, I began thinking about mine. I shouldn't have eaten all those fatty foods. For the sake of my arteries (not that thing where your eyes are immediately directed to when you see me) and perhaps my over-all wellness.

I found out that I lose a kilo or so if I walk around all day. I lost a kilo (permanently, since weight fluctuates depending on the meals you miss/take) when we hiked (a bit) at Makiling. I also lost another kilo today as I went around the City of Muntinlupa, getting all kinds of clearances and stuff. The NBI clearance was painful. It was hot today and the lines are somewhat long. And then I didn't finish getting mine since apparently, someone has the same name as mine. What are the odds, huh? I should have been named Gel Elmet (LOLZ).

The medical exam was sort of crazy for me since it involved the (temporary) loss of my appointment slips (because I forgot to get it back from Pat, who kept it in her bag for safekeeping). The whole stress and lack of sleep might have triggered the surprise high blood pressure (or perhaps, the fats did it!).

Anyway, thanks to Mon(s) for treating us to a big lunch of 'fried shit' (lovingly used, promise, nag-enjoy naman talaga ako. Hindi lang natin akalain na ganun lang pala siya.). And to the HPs and SSs sans Benjo and Ceres, thanks also. Had a lot of fun. Especially the walk from Binondo Church to Lawton in the rain (whew, sarcasm). Saw a lot of Chinese stuff like the thick pads of angpao and fluffy threads of whoknowswhat named Mahu and Masang (joke: Mabahu and Masangsang). Nearly had kalesa accident because I was looking for the speaker which played Chinese music. And made wish in newly-visited Binondo church with purple firetrucks beside it.

Waa. Fats.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Rhymalogue # 2

J: I was right!
L: No, everything's alright.
J: You are losing your sight!
L: No! I can still see the light!
J: But can you see this termite?
L: I might.
J: Come on, it's bright.
L: But it's as small as a mite.
J: I knew it! For you it's like night.
L: Can we not fight?
J: Sorry. I'm just filled with fright.
L: Don't be. I'm having an operation tonight.
J: That brought me delight.
L: Hey, the anaesthesia's taking effect. I'm feeling my head's light.
J: I'll just stay outside sipping my Sprite.
L: And I'll just be inside dreaming of me flying my kite.

Rhymalogue # 1

A: Oh, hello!
B: Hello.
A: What's up Joe?
B: Can't you see? I'm feeling low.
A: Is it because of the snow?
B: No.
A: Oh.
B: It's my show.
A: How well did it go?
B: So-so.
A: I can't follow.
B: They know.
A: What? That's a no-no.
B: I slipped. Well, there was a trick with this doe...
A: And it misbehaved? You should instead have used a crow!
B: But, but... That doe was a pro!
A: Ok then, let's not have a row.
B: I have some cocoa.
A: With marshmallow?
B: Of course, I know you bro.


This would sound kinda silly. But I hope you enjoy it.

rhymalogue gif
Rhymalogues are dialogues that rhyme. They do nothing else.

the first post

Hey! This is probably the nth blog that I made. I just wanted a blog to dump the random stuff that I write. Please enjoy!